Best Social Media Content

People like videos more than ever. They like them so much that they spend about one hour per day watching them. So, to increase social media engagement, it is wise to post videos regularly. According to Buzzsumo, videos are 200% more popular on Facebook in comparison with images. It's true that creating videos is harder, but most business owners can create engaging videos by reviewing their own products, for example.
Of course, if you've got enough time at your disposal, you can also create educational how-to guides, or simply convert your blog articles into videos. People will always prefer to consume this type of content, rather than reading the article texts.
Still, don't ignore the power of a well-written blog post. It is a time-consuming way of attracting visitors, but once that your new article is in place, it can become an effective lead generation machine that is never turned off. Sometimes you may save time by curating other people's content, adding your own opinions and secret sauce to it. Still, you should only do this when you are running out of time, and you need to create fresh content as quickly as possible.
If your company relies on visuals, you'd better hire a professional photographer, and then ask him to take thousands of high-quality photos of your products. Then, upload those photos to your company's Instagram account.
Other people will also post behind-the-scenes photos, which were taken at a company party, for example. It is very easy to turn a positive quote into an image by using online applications like this one. Then, upload the resulting image to your Twitter and Instagram accounts.
By the way, if you have a Twitter account, you know that this platform is mainly utilized for news. In fact, close to 50% of its members fire up Twitter for this very purpose. The moral is simple: don't try to sell your products or services on Twitter, because it won't work. If you want to grow your business network, your best bet is LinkedIn. Btw, you should check out our blog; we have already posted an article which shows how to use LinkedIn to grow your business.
Many Twitter users like GIFs, which are short animated sequences that can be saved to a .gif file. They are easy to create using free applications that can be installed on pretty much any smart phone, and the results can be really entertaining.
If your company uses Pinterest, it is important to know that this social media site is the perfect place to post your infographics. Due to the allowed image sizes, Pinterest is perfect when it comes to vertical images and various stats.
We hope that this guide has made it easier for you to post engaging content on the top social media sites. Of course, if you'd rather spend your time doing something else, you should contact one of our consultants.
As a business owner, you are probably wondering if social media really works. Since we run an SM business, you bet that our answer would be a sound "YES!". But don't just take our word for it! A recent study shows that more than 50% of businesses report significant profit growths after using social media marketing services for a year.
At ICSM, we are fully transparent, showing our clients exactly what we are doing to increase their following, and thus their bottom line. It's really simple: once that the social media accounts have been created, it's time to post high quality content.
But what type of content works best on the top social media sites? This article will give you plenty of ideas, so make sure to read it carefully.
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