How to be a LinkedIn Master
Most business owners make the mistake of treating LinkedIn as if it would be a regular social media platform. Nothing could be further away from truth! The site was launched in 2003, reaching an impressive 1.5 million members in just 18 months.
Sure, other social media sites have grown much faster, but let's not forget that LinkedIn has always been a network for professionals. Regular employees, small business owners, enterprise CEOs and billion-dollar celebrities have created LinkedIn accounts, and have at least a few hundreds of connections each. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising that Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, plans to use the gathered data to develop the world's first economic graph.
LinkedIn started as a resume posting website, and this continues to be a strong platform feature. It is estimated that there are more than 10 million active job listings at any time. Tens of thousands of recruiting companies use the data that is provided by LinkedIn to hire highly qualified people. Also, more than 50% of LinkedIn members state that they have found a new job through a mutual connection.
However, LinkedIn has also become a network where influencers post high quality content on a daily basis - and lots of it! People publish about 15,000 interesting articles each day. This has been an awesome opportunity for many people, who have managed to significantly grow their business by connecting with the thousands of CEOs who have read their content. In fact, according to a recent statistic, the content consumption rate has grown from 16% to 36% in only two years.
But LinkedIn is also a native video platform, and videos perform very well here! Some videos get thousands of shares and hundreds of comments, performing better than on any other social media site.
Still, let's not forget that LinkedIn was built with networking in mind. You can make great business connections by simply sending a person a private LinkedIn message. According to a study by Number Sleuth, 35% of professionals declare that casual LinkedIn conversations have led to new business opportunities. And with half a billion LinkedIn users working for over 10 million companies, it will never be difficult to find thousands of highly targeted contacts who work in your industry.
LinkedIn also makes it easy to pick influencers' brains. The platform has attracted powerful influencers such as Bill Gates, who are willing to answer people's questions in their spare time. So, if you are an industry expert, you may have the chance of being recruited as an influencer as well.
Microsoft continues to invest lots of money into LinkedIn. It has acquired this social media platform when we founded our company (in 2016), but it continues to add new features to it. Surprisingly, many of the new features are unique.
So, it looks like this year is going to be and amazing one for LinkedIn. Its number of users is constantly growing, and most of them are either entrepreneurs, or people looking for new career opportunities. If you want to grow your business and/or find other helpful opportunities, this is definitely the social media platform where you are supposed to be present.
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